Critical Questions to Ask Your Architect

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Homes and Gardens: Making Improvements

If you are interested in making improvements to your home and garden, then please read on! My name is Tony and over the past couple of years, I have been learning all I can about how to improve my home and garden. I have visited garden supply shops, home repair contractors and interior design companies in an effort to learn all that I can about how to create the perfect home and garden. I have put this knowledge to good use and transformed my home and garden into a paradise. I hope this blog will help you to transform yours.


Critical Questions to Ask Your Architect

2 December 2021
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Adding an extension to your home can be exciting and intimidating, especially if you bought your current home and have never undertaken a renovation project before. A critical part of such a project is designing the extension. Since the results will dictate your happiness, you must get everything right from the start. While hiring an architect for such an undertaking is not a legal requirement, you are less likely to succeed without their services. That said, you should ask an architect specific questions when discussing a home extension design. This article highlights a few queries.

Do You Have a Signature Style? 

Architectural styles differ significantly, which is a critical consideration when hiring an architect. Thus, the first question you should ask an architect is whether or not they have a signature style they specialise in. For instance, an architectural firm might be proficient in modern designs, contemporary architecture, and art deco. However, their signature style could be modern architecture. Therefore, your taste and preference should align with that style. Notably, approaching an industrial architect to design an art décor extension would make little sense.

Do You Have a Builder in Mind? 

Finding the different contractors you need for an extension can be a long and frustrating process if you have never undertaken a construction project before. Not only do you have to find the right architect, but you also have to look for a builder in order to work closely with them. However, you will be glad to know that most experienced architects have built close working relationships with their builders, and such collaborations often come in handy. For instance, if your home is energy efficient and you want to add a green extension, an architect can recommend a builder specialising in green construction.

Are You Involved in the Construction Process? 

Homeowners need to understand that they can buy a ready-made plan from an architect or start the design process from scratch. Whichever is the case for you, it is essential to know if and to what extent an architect is involved in the construction process. Notably, some architects hand over the final design to a client without further input. On the other hand, some architects stay on to oversee the progress. It is advisable to work with an architect who stays on because design plans are not perfect and they might need tweaking during the construction process. Thus, establishing an architect's role during the building phase helps manage your expectations.

For more information, contact an architect near you.